

Modern audiences are accustomed to over stimulation. We text our mother, while our friends gossip to us, while a movie with a soundtrack plays in the background, while somebody outside blasts music from their car, while the oven cooks dinner. It is this hyper-stimulation that I am interested in exploring and utilizing, employing a circus of sensations in an effort to engage, interact, and compete with the endless distractions of modern life.

My paintings are placed within an enclosed, multi-sensual environment, where music, food, scents, long titles, and touchable items create an expanded vocabulary in which to explore a variety of modern and traditional subjects and create an overwhelming spectacle. Rather than expecting the often lazy modern viewer to supply their own meaning, I deliver a narrative and the necessary ingredients for the viewer to accept or reject this narrative while leaving room for them to create their own.

Erecting an environment that simultaneously stimulates all or more than one of the viewers primary senses allows me and the viewer to explore the synchronicity of sensual combinations. For example, opera feels inappropriate in a dive bar but perfectly matches the interior of the Vatican, where the statues seem to serenade visitors. Beethoven animates trees in the country but seems miscast inside a municipal lobby. Webern on the other can make the fluorescent light fixtures and bored bureaucrats feel dangerous and alive. Obviously, these are my own opinions. But existing in an overstimulated society leads me directly to the questions of whether these associations are learned or does inspiration create siblings in different mediums?

Selected Exhibitions:

L Magazine, Southern Comfort Finalist at the Knitting Factory January, 2012

Solo Show Sapphire Lounge, Eldridge Street, September 2012

Group Poetry / Art Show R Bar, Williamsburg August, 2012

Group Show Peter Louis Gallery June 2012

Bushwick Open Studios 2008 & 2009

320 Gallery July 2010 Group Show

Greenpoint Gallery November 2010 Group Show
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